I put my dog ​​in and it didn't turn on

Again, pets are doing their thing again, and they really know how to do it very well. Let me tell you why.

Last weekend we received a call from a young dog lover, owner of an English Bulldog, beautiful by the way, and as mischievous as he is beautiful. The point is that this precious little dog wanted to devour the key of a recent model Nissan sentra that has a smart key system (presence key), and the owner, as he had seen in a television commercial, thought that by putting his dog in the car then the car would start without a problem, just as it was seen on TV, but it wasn't like that.

You are probably wondering what happened then? Remember firstly that not everything you see on TV or on the internet is true, besides that we have to know how a smart key is formed and how it works but we also have to know a little about the digestion of our little friends, the pets and possibly the 2 knowledge give us the answer to our question.

Let's first start with how a smart key is formed. A smart key is an electronic device that emits a radio frequency that the expensive one when receiving it at the correct frequency responds positively and lets us manipulate the car, these keys are made up of an electronic tablet regularly powered by a 3-volt battery, all these electronic components They have a reasonable working life but are not resistant to moisture and much less work if they get completely wet.

This gives rise to the following explanation, which has to do with the digestion of pets, in this case dogs, before they eat or swallow something, dogs tend to bite or crush it, that is why they have molars and not They like to swallow very large, hard pieces, and although the gastric juices in your stomach are not designed to dissolve plastics or electronics, enough moisture can be produced inside your stomach to damage an electronic circuit. So logically, before the key has been swallowed, the dog had to have chewed it a few times thus causing at least damage to the carcass and to that we add the moisture from its stomach, this results in a useless key.

Now you may wonder what happened to the dog, he is fine, after a few laxatives that the vet gave him, the puppy was able to get rid of the key naturally without any risk or complication, of course, we programmed another key and the car was able to continue running. Now you know that if your dog eats your key, your car will most likely not start and you will have to spend a few thousand on a new one and on the treatment that the vet applies to your pet.

Remember that at 24-hour deck locksmith in Guadalajara and Zapopan we are here to help you in programming chip keys, programming presence keys, immobilizer systems, housings, repair and control programming 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  

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